Truck Accident Attorney for Oakland, CA

Truck accidents, although just as traumatic, are generally more complicated than car accidents. The fault could fall on a variety of points, including along the logistics chain for the trucking company and on the materials that the truck was hauling. If you need help navigating your legal options after an accident, reach out to a truck accident attorney from Frank Penney Injury Lawyers. We happily service those in and around Oakland, CA.

An Experienced Truck Accident Lawyer for Oakland, CA

When you hire a lawyer from our firm, you can rest assured that you will receive the best possible legal representation and guidance available. One of our experienced truck accident lawyers will work closely with you and all parties involved to determine fault and the next course of legal action. Once we win your case, you will receive the compensation that you rightfully deserve.

The team at Frank Penney Injury Lawyers understands how stressful and financially devastating a truck accident can be, so you can have peace of mind knowing that you won’t have to pay us a cent unless you win your case. We care for you and the outcome of your case, and we aim to prove that to you.

For a free estimate of your case, be sure to give us a call at 888-888-0566 today.



(510) 962-4610

1300 Clay St, Suite 600

Oakland, CA

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