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Defective Product Liability Attorney

About Defective Product Liability

Frank Penney Injury Lawyers in Roseville, CA, can help you with your product liability case. The law of product deals with the responsibility of the manufacturer, wholesaler, or retailer of an item for injuries resulting from dangerous and flawed items. These items subject to the law run the spectrum from food, drugs, appliances, automobiles, medical devices, medical implants, blood, tobacco, and even commercial jets.

At common law, the sale of any item is viewed as a commercial transaction at which only the parties of the commercial contract can sue. The law has evolved, and today, virtually anyone injured by a “defective” item (which is unreasonably dangerous for its intended use) can bring an action for damages against any party in the distributive chain of the product, whether it be the manufacturer, the wholesaler, the retailer, or even the maker of a part.

Product Liability & Negligence

A basic negligence claim consists of proof of the following:

  • A duty owed on the part of the manufacturer
  • A breach of that duty
  • That the breach caused the plaintiff’s injury
  • An injury itself

A product’s liability negligence claim usually falls into one of three possible types:

  • Design defect
  • Manufacturing defect
  • Failure to warn

Over time, several other negligence concepts have arisen to deal with certain specific situations, including negligence per se (using a manufacturer’s violation of a law or regulation in place of proof of a duty and a breach) and res ipsa loquitur (an inference of negligence under certain conditions). The difficulties of an injured customer to prove what a manufacturer did or did not do during the design or manufacture of an item has led to the development of newer accountability claims such as strict liability.

Product Liability & Strict Liability

Rather than focus on the behavior of the manufacturer (as in negligence), strict liability claims focus on the unit itself. The basic component of this is proof that the unit is impaired or unreasonably dangerous. Similar to negligence claims, these claims may attack a product’s design, manufacture, or warnings. The various U.S. states have employed numerous ways to determine an item’s deficiency. Most of the tests used to determine impairments include concepts such as:

  • Consumer expectations (Consumer Expectations Test)
  • Balancing of the object’s risk and its utility (Risk-Utility Test)
  • Obviousness of the danger (Open and Obvious Danger Rule)
  • Existence of a safer design alternative (Feasible/Reasonable Design Alternative)
  • Sophistication of the object’s user (Sophisticated User Doctrine)
  • Existence of knowledgeable intermediaries between the manufacturer and the user (Learned Intermediary Doctrine)

Strict liability for defective units has often been criticized as an extremely harsh doctrine that imposes high accountability costs upon manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers, and almost anyone else in the chain of commerce. This is one of the primary reasons why warning labels have become so ubiquitous on modern products.

Nonetheless, strict liability has become the overwhelming majority rule in the United States, due to the widespread agreement that it is the only way to ensure that such parties will always take all reasonable measures to protect the consumer because they know they will always be liable for any harm caused by the item.

Your Defective Product Case- There is Help

It is important to know what to do to protect the legal rights of yourself and your loved ones. Selecting the right personal injury attorney is an important decision. You should choose someone who is experienced, aggressive, and dedicated to obtaining fair compensation for your defective product injury. We have successfully handled thousands of injury cases, which is why you should contact Sacramento personal injury lawyer Frank D. Penney.

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Have you been injured by a defective product?

There are many products on the market known to cause issue and harm including the following:


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Our legal team understands that life can be very stressful after an accident of any type. The financial costs of your accident can add to that stress. When you are asking for help, this should make your life easier – not more difficult. That is why you do not have to worry about any upfront legal fees and expenses when you hire Frank Penney Injury Lawyers to handle your California personal injury case.

At Frank Penney Injury Lawyers, Frank Penney and his staff work on a contingency basis. This means you only have to pay a fee if you win your case. We will never charge a fee unless we obtain a settlement on your behalf. No win. No fee. Case closed.

This means there is no risk in asking Frank Penney Injury Lawyers for help. You get to benefit from Frank Penney’s years of experience, knowledge, and success without needing to stress about the cost. Call today to set up a free initial case assessment or to learn more.

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Why Choose Us?

  • If You Don’t Win, You Don’t Pay
  • Free Case Evaluations
  • Over 25 Years of Experience
  • Compassionate and Caring
  • Highly Rated Reviews
  • Proven Track Record
  • 24/7 Availability
  • Quick Response Time
  • And More

24/7 Availability – Reach Us By Phone, Email, Chat, and More!

If you are involved in any type of personal injury due to the fault of someone else, our experienced team at Frank Penney Injury Lawyers in Roseville, CA can help. We are available to anyone in Northern California 24/7! Give us a call today to learn more at 888-888-0566. We will fight for your rights!

No matter where you are in Northern California, or how you reach us, we will be there for you 24/7!

You Can Bank on Frank!

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