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Train Accident Lawyer

Train Accidents – What You Need to Know

Frank Penney Injury Lawyers in Roseville, CA, can help with your train accident case. Have you or a loved one been injured in a train accident? Accidents on railways can be caused by several factors which may include collisions with the following:

  • Other trains
  • Road vehicles or pedestrians
  • Grade crossing incidents
  • Slips and falls at stations
  • Failure of trains
  • Track
  • Infrastructure
  • Obstructions
  • Derailment
  • Assaults
  • Vandalism
  • Driver error

The following are some United States train accident statistics as well as California state-level statistics:

  • Every hour and a half there is a train derailment or collision
  • Every year there are around 3,000 railway accidents (650 accidents in California)
  • Every year approximately 1,000 people will die as a result of railway accidents (approximately 140 in California)
  • Almost every 2 weeks a train derailment causes a chemical spill, resulting in evacuations of local residents
  • The occurrence of train accidents has been escalating since 1997

Proving damages against a railway company can be extremely complex. First, you must establish that the carrier was responsible for the accident and, if so, to what extent the company is liable. With Sacramento being one of the top destinations for Amtrak trains in California, it is important to know the facts about train accidents. You must consult with an attorney who is experienced in interpreting the laws governing railroads and can properly represent you against the railroad company. A railroad company may also be liable if the accident was a result of poorly maintained tracks, unsafe railway cars, inadequate security, or negligent operators.


You may be entitled to receive compensation for your loss. Some things can never be replaced, but through the legal process, you might be able to get some assistance with medical bills, vehicle repairs, pain and suffering, loss of earning, and future loss of earnings. In the extremely unfortunate event that a death has occurred because of the accident, you can file a wrongful death suit with the help of experienced personal injury lawyers.

If your accident involved one of the many railroad companies owned or operated by the government, you need to move quickly if you want to make a claim. “Tort Claims Acts” may apply to injuries caused by the railroad. Tort claims acts usually require that the government entity be given notice of the injury within a very short time and prohibit the filing of a lawsuit unless proper notice is given. In some states, the statute of limitations against government entities is as short as six months. Contact Sacramento train accident lawyer Frank D. Penney to resolve your case today.

Train Accidents Can Derail Your Life

Every day, there are passenger trains transporting millions of people across the country. Unfortunately, train accidents are more common than we think. 

High Speed Train — Roseville, CA — Frank Penney Injury Lawyers

What Causes Train Accidents?


Give our train injury lawyers at Frank Penney Injury Lawyers a call today. We are available 24/7 and offer a free initial case evaluation. If you don’t win, there are never any fees associated with our service. We provide the best legal representation for you and care about your wellbeing. Give us a call today at 888-888-0566.

No Fee Guarantee!

Our legal team understands that life can be very stressful after an accident of any type. The financial costs of your accident can add to that stress. When you are asking for help, this should make your life easier – not more difficult. That is why you do not have to worry about any upfront legal fees and expenses when you hire Frank Penney Injury Lawyers to handle your California personal injury case.

At Frank Penney Injury Lawyers, Frank Penney and his staff work on a contingency basis. This means you only have to pay a fee if you win your case. We will never charge a fee unless we obtain a settlement on your behalf. No win. No fee. Case closed.

This means there is no risk in asking Frank Penney Injury Lawyers for help. You get to benefit from Frank Penney’s years of experience, knowledge, and success without needing to stress about the cost. Call today to set up a free initial case assessment or to learn more.

Lawyer And Client Handshake — Roseville, CA — Frank Penney Injury Lawyers

Why Choose Us?

  • If You Don’t Win, You Don’t Pay
  • Free Case Evaluations
  • Over 25 Years of Experience
  • Compassionate and Caring
  • Highly Rated Reviews
  • Proven Track Record
  • 24/7 Availability
  • Quick Response Time
  • And More

24/7 Availability – Reach Us By Phone, Email, Chat, and More!

If you are involved in any type of personal injury due to the fault of someone else, our experienced team at Frank Penney Injury Lawyers in Roseville, CA can help. We are available to anyone in Northern California 24/7! Give us a call today to learn more at 888-888-0566. We will fight for your rights!

No matter where you are in Northern California, or how you reach us, we will be there for you 24/7!

You Can Bank on Frank!

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